About Katie

About Katie

Here are a few interesting or not so interesting things about me, Katie Ellis. I guess it all depends on the level of awesome you’re used to.

1) I am addicted to Coke….not the drug, the drink! Being from Atlanta, the home of this amazing, refreshing liquid, there is no other substitute and it can pretty much cure any bad day (almost). Pepsi is like a four letter word to me…even though it’s clearly 5, I know. 🙂

2) Speaking of four letter words, I do not cuss. The worst things I say is “Golly,” “Darn,” Dang” and “Crap.” Oh and I say “That sucks” alot. I don’t really know why I have never cussed because I practically work and live with sailors, however, I credit it to my southern upbringing, having a reverend as a grandpa, and probably from being slapped upside the head if I ever did let something slip. If I do cuss….you better be ready to duck or run because I am MAD.

3) I have pretty straight-forward and no nonsense opinions or views sometimes. These moments are referred to as “blackheart moments.” I don’t care if you agree or disagree, it’s how I see something and there’s no point in trying to change my mind. Example:  I am a full supporter of the death penalty, which is great that I live in Texas because they fully support it as well. My issue is that people sit on death row FOREVER wasting my tax dollars. I say they get 5 years MAX (and even that is too long) to appeal and if not….well they better hope they got to finish their own Thoreau Project. No use in wasting time if they did something bad…I mean heck, by today’s standards I would just now be getting timeout for something I did when I was three! Makes no freakin’ sense.

Stay tuned for more windows into my life….as my hubby always says “Gotta leave em wanting more.”

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