Category Archives: Steel Guitar

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#11- Learn how to play the steel guitar

Ahhhh! I cannot stop smiling right now. A few days ago, while I was doing some research into playing the Steel Guitar, I came across the Texas Steel Guitar Association. I sent their President, Albert Tally, an email explaining that I am a complete newbie and I would love some help/tips/pointers and on finding lessons and buying my first instrument. I didn’t hear back via email so I figured I would just keep researching and maybe eventually would find some help. I was sitting at work and randomly got a phone call from Mr. Talley! He was the sweetest, nicest and most encouraging individual ever! He gave me the run down on Imagewhat would probably be my best options, invited me to the association’s monthly meetings and their annual jamboree in Dallas. He then began to tell me about some of the people he might be able to help me and give me lessons. There’s a lady that lives only 15 minutes from me who plays the resonator. Here’s the crazy inspirational part, she’s blind! She played before she went blind but still plays and he’s going to get in touch with her to see if she wouldn’t mind meeting me. He asked my age and told me that I’m more than capable of learning and becoming a good player. I feel so empowered that this goal is going to come to fruition and that I’ll end up learning more than just “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” I’m so excited right now! Can’t wait to hear back from Mr. Talley and start this amazing journey!

Day One

So this morning I had a miniature panic attack. My life is flying by. I work, I go home, I watch TV, I go to sleep and then I repeat…..365 days a year (not literally but it feels like it.) Sure, my hubby and I have alot, a house, lots of pets, lots of STUFF, two cars…..but do we ever really enjoy the things we have? We spend way too much time worrying about money and then way too much money on eating out and buying useless crap. The biggest waste is spending money on food because you literally end up flushing it down the toilet. The irony of this is the fact that we can’t stop ourselves from stopping and getting a Big Mac. My self control sucks. Okay, back to my original point….we work to afford our house and our useless STUFF, but we’re always working so we rarely have time to enjoy any of it. It’s a vicious cycle. My plan- come up with a list of things I want to do over my life time. Not a “Bucket List” because I don’t want to focus on the end of the list being death, but more of a “Bam! I totally ruled at living” type list. I decided I wanted to spend more time and effort (and money) on experiences rather than materialistic things. Thus, my list was born and I got started on it right away. First things first, #11. Where do I learn how to play the steel guitar? I know NOTHING about them and I have zero experience with playing instruments. I honestly just think they sound cool and would love to see the look on people’s faces when I say I know how to play it. That in itself is one of the main reasons it seems appealing. So anyway, I did some research. I found out that steel guitars are rather complicated. They have knee levers and foot pedals and can have like 12 strings. Whew, for those of you who know me….this might be a disaster. I reminded myself that I put “Learn how to play steel guitar” on my list and not “Become a professional steel guitar player.” Thank goodness for this. I guess I could technically learn “Mary Had a Little Lamb” and that could suffice. More later on #11.


I have a sister….she’s amazing and makes me feel like a heathen. She actually cares about people and this is why I call her Mother Theresa. She has agreed to jump aboard my “Thoreau Project” bandwagon and is writing her own list. She lives in Illinois so I’m planning a trip to go see her next spring. There are several items I might be able to check off my list while there:  #17-Learning to drive a stickshift (she has a manual she can teach me on) as well as a joint effort on #24- Making a quilt. I’m sure it will take alot of research but in the end….I might end up marking this one off with a doll quilt. 🙂