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Operation: Drastic Change

So a few facts about myself so this next post will make more sense.

1) I grew up in the country and have always lived in the country.

2) My hubby and I love animals and have always had a menagerie. We currently have 4 dogs, 4 horses, 6 cows, 5 tortoises, 2 geckos, 4 bearded dragons, and we also breed snakes…we have about 50 of them. To go with the snakes- we breed our own rats too….don’t ask me how many we have, I lost count a long time ago.

3) When I moved to Texas in 2008, my hubby and I lived with his parents for about a year before buying our house. I have always lived with family or in our house, never in an apartment, dorms, condo, tent, Winnebago, nada……you get the idea.

Alright, so preface behind me, I have been thinking about my list and everything I want to get done. Many of these things I think it would be more fun to complete while I’m still young. I don’t plan on waiting to have my mid life crisis in order to figure things out. Plus, I feel that it might be more appropriate to say get a Jeep (#13) when I’m not old, wrinkly, gray haired with boobs down to my stomach (nvm, my boobs are way to small to ever reach my stomach, no matter how saggy). Also, going to Australia is something I want to do now…I’ve always wanted to go there, ever since I can remember. I already have my trip planned out! The common denominator in both of these is the lack of funds. Here lies my somewhat drastic and crazy plan. Sell everything. Yes….everything. Sell the house, sell the animals, sell the extra furniture we have. Put all the money in an account and rent an apartment. Now, I have never lived in the city. I actually hate the city. I think it’s too loud, too bright….too much stuff going on, however, if you ever want to live simply and not spend $600 on gas each month just to commute to work, the city is kind of handy. We could use the money to travel and do things we want to do, while we’re young and while we have the time….basically before kids and all the “responsibility” and “stability” that comes with those adorable bundles of joy that are covered in some time of random gross bodily fluid half the time…..ew. After a year, we can figure out where we want to settle down and build a life. A year is no time at all with how young we are and it’s literally our LAST chance to just make decisions without having huge consequences. We will have done all the major things we want to do AND hopefully it will give us the chance to save more money. Here are my biggest reservations:

Pip Pip Cheerio Turns 1!  1) The dogs…we have 4 of them. a Jack Russell, an English Bulldog (isn’t she cute?!), a Dachshund and a German Shepherd. Not all of those would be apartment friendly unfortunately….and 4 pet deposits…good lord.  Maybe we should rent a house?….

2) What if we absolutely hate it? That’s a big possibility…but I guess that could be a lesson learned. We can always buy another house…

3) My hubby and I put alot into our snake business and selling everything seems like we would be moving backwards… the same time though maybe this will give us the chance to come up with another business idea that could be more stable and provide better returns.

4) Is right now the best time to sell a house? We’re going into the holidays….pretty much mortgage slow season. I don’t want the house to sit on the market forever….but I also want to take advantage of the chance to do something this drastic and do it whole-heartedly.

5) Losing my “identity”…..I know this sounds weird but I’ve always been the girl who lives in the country, with animals, in the middle of no where….I’m used to this lifestyle. It’s quiet, dark and secluded. Moving to the city and getting rid of basically everything I just mentioned will be crazy.

The best part is, the hubby is being extremely supportive of my random and very drastic idea. We’ll see what becomes of it….we have much research to do!